30 Day Private Pilot Course

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The national average of earning a Private Pilot License is between 55-75 hours, which is almost twice as many hours required by the FAA (minimum of 40 hours). One of the most common reason for this is due to a stretched out learning period. When you enroll in our 30 Day Private Pilot Course, you will have your private pilot license in just 30 days!


Price: $9,750.00

Whats included:

Gleim Study Materials

You will receive all the study materials that you will will need that will set you up to be successful in this course. 

Ground and Flight Knowledge

We will give you a solid foundation in aerodynamics, meteorology, and a hands-on flight experience that no other school offers.

Flight Time

Flight time and instruction required by the FAA in order to obtain your Private Pilot License

FAA Practical Test Fee

This is your checkride fee that is paid to the Designated Pilot Examiner. 


Know English

You must be able to read, speak, and write English. 



You must be at-least 17 years of age to earn a private pilot license. (You may start the course if your birthday falls in the 30 day period of the course).

U.S. Citizenship

Be able to provide a U.S birth certificate or a valid passport

FAA Medical

Have a valid FAA medical certificate prior to arrival. (Must have at least a 3rd Class Medical).

FAA Written Knowledge Test

Student must be prepared to take the FAA Written Knowledge Test within the first week of arriving at Sentinel. (It is recommended to have the written test already taken prior of arriving).

Much of the success for this program lies with the student. We guarantee that our instructors will be held to the highest standard to ensure that you will be receiving the best instruction possible. We can not be held responsible for inclement weather, unforeseen maintenance issues, or student absence. Continuing training is available at an hourly basis, if required.


EMAIL: carolinevore@icloud.com

Phone: (352) 585-5040

Address: 16308 Flight Path Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604